Saturday, 30 April 2011

Best Heavy Bag Reviews : Everlast Nevatear 100lb Heavy Bag

This review is for Everlast Nevatear 100lb Heavy Bag model.

Everlast Nevatear 100lb Heavy Bag
It took about an hour to put together, the instructions are simple to understand, and you don't even need any tools. It comes with the "tools" that you will need.I am pretty tall, so I had to hang the heavy bag without a chain, using only a carribiner gooking to the swivel, so that is really my only complaint.

The stand has three pegs that stick up for you to put a free weight on each one to hold it in place as it will move around on the floor. You'll need about five feet worth of space on the ground for movement and the base, so it doesn't take up much space at all.

This thing is also very sturdy for its weight class. For the money, this is probably the perfect basic outfit and will suit your workout needs. Tips for the people starting out, if you don't wrap your hands you can forget about hitting the Heavy bag more than a couple times. Wrap your hands before you do your jumprope or situps, that way you can take a moment to center your mind.

Overall, Heavy Bag Reviews recommends Everlast Nevatear 100lb Heavy Bag for pros and amateurs alike to practise Basics.

Pros: Excellent construction, Very sturdy, Feels good when training, Base takes up little space.
Cons: No chain to hang Heavy Bag so had to use a carribiner.

Manufacturer: Everlast
Price: Sports Authority (USA) Stand for $120, Heavy bag for $80

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